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Did my unraid server crash completely just now!!!!


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Well well well, what have we here....


I am running a preclear on my new 1 TB HDD inserted in the server around 3 hrs back. And in the mean time doing my research on User share security and how ftp permission work, and suddenly without no apparent reason, without doing any changes on my flash drive, just like that.....I loose Web interface and then I loose telnet, loose putty, and loose every connection to Unraid. My Preclear putty window hangs and not responds. preclear stops at 45%, and I am in shock .. :o What should I do ..... What should I do...??? I run a ping to my Unraid IP and get Destination Host Unreachable. I think maybe its just some network issue and preclear and the server are running okie .... so I just restart my router ........still no access and ping gives Destination Host Unreachable again. Preclear screen still shows stuck at 45% ........


With no option left I had to with heavy heart restart the server, hoping things would be fine. Well yes the unraid starts normal, I have my shares back and all seems normal........... I restart preclear which is at 8% now. The billion dollor question is ......


What the heck happened .....did my Unraid Server just unexpectedly crash!!!! ???  ....... since the web gui stopped working I couldnt save the syslog. But I am attaching the syslog after I restarted the server, if its of any use..........


Any input please, what happened and how do I avoid this Heart Attack again.






Sort of sounds like you ran out of memory.  In the future, it would probably be best to hook up a monitor and keyboard to your server to see what's going on.  I know in the past I've had all of my network services crash (telnet, web GUI) due to a program chewing up all of my box's memory by writing to the volatile file system. 


I have 2GB 800 Mhz ...... and it was told 2 GB would be more then enough.

depending on what is being written to memory, no amount is enough.


If you are not watching the errors in the syslog (which is in an in-RAM file-system), and it fills, you will run out of RAM.


For normal operations, 2 GB is plenty.  My older server has 512 Meg of ram and runs just fine.


Okie I agree, but I would not be constantly monitoring syslog right. How am I suppose to know the memory is been filled up. Is there a way Unraid can message or something. I have configured unraid SMTP to send me a mail in case anything goes wrong. It sends me a mail when preclear finishes, but in this case I did not see any mail, that can tell me that the memory was been constantly eaten up, so you better take some actions ..... (Though what actions I am not sure).





Okie I agree, but I would not be constantly monitoring syslog right. How am I suppose to know the memory is been filled up. Is there a way Unraid can message or something. I have configured unraid SMTP to send me a mail in case anything goes wrong. It sends me a mail when preclear finishes, but in this case I did not see any mail, that can tell me that the memory was been constantly eaten up, so you better take some actions ..... (Though what actions I am not sure).




Probably because there is no such notification, or any process looking for all the memory being allocated.


It does not happen in normal use of the server.  It typically takes some kind of hardware error that fills the syslog.


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