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Update from 6.12.0 RC6 to 6.120 or 6.12.1 no webgui nginx duplicate entries

Go to solution Solved by exico,

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I searched but i did not see this problem in another "no webgui" thread.


I upgraded from the RC6 to 6.12.0 stable and also tried 6.12.1 but i had to revert on both occasions.

I attached the diagnostics but from what i see:


Tried to:

 /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx check
 Checking configuration for correct syntax and
then trying to open files referenced in configuration...
nginx: [emerg] a duplicate default server for in /etc/nginx/conf.d/servers.conf:43
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

I then checked servers.conf and indeed there are various entries duplicated on my eth3. I tried to comment them and check again, some warnings but no [emerg]. Tried to start and these entries reappear and stop nginx.

For example:

server {
    listen default_server; # eth3
    return 302 https://192-168-80-105.c8100b769f7ebe9a046d3c97b75b083b26c4ca45.myunraid.net:443$request_uri;
server {
    listen default_server; # eth3
    return 302 https://192-168-80-105.c8100b769f7ebe9a046d3c97b75b083b26c4ca45.myunraid.net:443$request_uri;

server {
    listen ssl http2 default_server; # eth3
    listen ssl http2 default_server; # eth3

(somethingsomething is just a placeholder for the other config text, just wanted to highligh the duplicated entries)

And there are more.


For now i reverted to the RC


Since the eth3 is integrated in the MB i cannot even remove it to try if it fix itself, also there is no option in the BIOS to disable it

MB is a supermicro X9SRL-F


Edited by exico
typo in the title
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  • exico changed the title to Update from 6.12.0 RC6 to 6.120 or 6.12.1 no webgui nginx duplicate entries
  • Solution

Found the problem, I had two interfaces with the same IP but I do not understand why the rc script bind the same ip twice on one interface.


I think that a check should be in place for that.


Bear in mind that I had one interface disabled


I removed the IP from both interfaces and the upgrade has gone smooth

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