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Unraid server no internet connection - router does not see server

Go to solution Solved by 3llipsoid,

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Hello all, I am hoping someone can help me figure out my issue.


To make a long story short I was having issues getting direct play to work with Plex on my TV. Looking through Plex I noticed the server would frequently show as offline. Eventually Plex simply could not see the server at all. I eventually stumbled on a forum post that suggested rolling back to 6.11.5 - I figured I would give it a try.


Reverting to 6.11.5 did not solve the issue and I now noticed (this may have been the case prior to the roll back, I simply didn't pay attention) that the app addresses for my Dockers were no longer but were now 172.17.0.x . I tried stopping and restarting Docker, I rebooted the server a couple times and no change. I tried pinging google.com from the containers and got nothing. The containers were originally on a custom docker network, I tried moving them to host - again no change.


When I try changing back to the original custom network I now get an iptable error

docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint radarr_uhd (a41788fbba829d88411c5ed082aaedf9c984de6ff1d44d87716d7743bf2fca87): (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t filter -A DOCKER ! -i br-785c0d48ae69 -o br-785c0d48ae69 -p tcp -d --dport 7878 -j ACCEPT: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.


I can ping the server from my desktop no problem, but my router shows the mac address for my server as offline.


I am honestly at a loss and any help/direction would be greatly appreciated. Attached is the diagnostics zip file.


Edit: I forgot to mention that while I can access the web GUI and ping the server, I can't access any of my shares over the network.




Edited by 3llipsoid
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Doing a factory reset of the router seems to have addressed the network visibility as I am now able to see it both in the router and have access to the shared drives over the network.


I was briefly able to reach the internet but that ability has quickly gone away.

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