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NextCloud docker, updater not found

Go to solution Solved by tomwhi,

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Hi there!

This is the first time I'm asking for help here, hope to do it ok.

I am running Nextcloud docker container from linuxservers repository



Nexcloud version 27.0.0 and is offering me to update to 27.0.1 version.

Normally, I first try to do the update over de web based updater, but when I pick the "open updader" button on the Nextcloud webUI, there is a 404 error message... Never seen that before.




Then I try to do it from the command line with (from container console): 


sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar


And I get a similar response



I have tried the full command from the host terminal also and the responce is the same.


Any lights??

(I have been able to update Nextcloud before)






Edited by Hronos
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