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Missing folders? Unraid 6

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I'm getting lost in my own machine and am pulling my hair out looking for an answer.

I made a mistake when setting up where to save files for Resilio-sync, instead of the mnt/usr/... path i selected home/nobody/Resilio Sync/...
I finally found what looks like the right place, instead of searching in Tower (file share), i found a similar looking structure in Tower(Remore login), it looks like the folder tree that Resilio says the "Home" folder is located in, but when i click through the " Home" folder, it is empty, when I believe it should have nobody->Resilio-sync...

I am rather literally lost and don't know where I should be looking, the files that are saved in the wrong place have filled my docker image and I need to move them out, or delete them, but I cant even find them, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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They are in the docker image, which is not normally browsable.  If you don't care about the files, since you said they can be deleted, just delete and recreate the docker image and they will be gone. You can reinstall all your containers quickly by using the previous apps section. After you get that sorted, before you start uploading more files into the image again, examine the container config path mappings. The host side is where the files will go on the array, the container side is where you point the application.


So if the mapping shows

host = /mnt/user/share/files and container = /home/nobody

then files synced to /home/nobody in the container will appear in the \\share\files folder.

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