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Changed address and isp now can's login to server, nor can't login to connect

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have changed address and isp.

The new router has a different ip address from when I set up my unraid server.


When I try to connect to the docker like I used to in the old situation by just typing the ip address. Now when I type in the ip address that the computer where the server is installed on I cannot connect to it.


When I go to my dashboard in Myunraid.net I get a 'no server connected' message (see screenshot attached)

The flashdrive from which that computer boots  Unraid up is inserted and seems to be working.


What am I not seeing/missing?

Why does it points me to download connect?

I can't find where to even download connect from as it is nowhere to be found in the community apps. (would be very handy if in those instructions a link was inserted that leads to the right place)


In short, HELP, I would like to be able to access my Unraid server again.

Screenshot from 2023-08-16 18-51-18.png

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