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首先问一个问题,进行奇偶校验的时候是,阵列磁盘进行读取,校验盘进行写入。所以至此衍生出一个问题,如何有效设置奇偶校验的间隔,才能够在保护磁盘以及保护资料中达到平衡,因为unraid的校验不是在写入新的数据的时候就在做校验,而是需要主动开启,那是不是意味着在新的一次校验开始时,从上一次校验完成开始,到这一次校验完成结束的所有新增数据,都在裸奔。那么问题来了 一块16T的硬盘做校验盘的话,比较合适的校验间隔应该设置成多久,至少应该是以两周起为单位吧,毕竟16T的校验数据都要跑至少两天

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4 hours ago, duck.wang said:



你可以借助一个叫做 Parity Check Tuning 的插件来实现阶段性的奇偶校验,也就是可以将一次完整的奇偶校验拆分成多次进行。








那么问题来了 一块16T的硬盘做校验盘的话,比较合适的校验间隔应该设置成多久,至少应该是以两周起为单位吧,毕竟16T的校验数据都要跑至少两天


具体间隔设置成多少没有一个标准,需要根据自己的实际情况来调整,我的话 16T 数据校验大概需要将近两天。

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19 hours ago, JackieWu said:


你可以借助一个叫做 Parity Check Tuning 的插件来实现阶段性的奇偶校验,也就是可以将一次完整的奇偶校验拆分成多次进行。






具体间隔设置成多少没有一个标准,需要根据自己的实际情况来调整,我的话 16T 数据校验大概需要将近两天。


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关于 unRAID 校验盘更完整的说明,可以参考我写的博客:新手教程:什么是校验盘,校验盘有什么作用

Edited by JackieWu
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On 8/30/2023 at 8:23 PM, JackieWu said:













我的理解是简单的说,正常的磁盘文件写入的时候校验盘数据都是同时正常地更新的。但是数据盘文件可能会发生意外的数据变动(或者说错误地更新了,或者发生错误)校验盘并不知道。所以需要定期进行Parity Check, 执行频率应该根据自己的实际情况平衡安全和效率来选择。

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  • 1 month later...



" In Unraid parity is always maintained in real-time and a bit more detail on the access pattern to the drives is described under Manual/Storage Management with their performance implications."

关于Parity check

“If you have at least one parity device assigned, clicking Check will initiate a Parity-check. This will march through all data disks in parallel, computing parity and checking it against stored parity on the parity disk(s).

You can continue to use the array while a parity check is running but the performance of any file operations will be degraded due to drive contention between between the check and the file operation. The parity check will also be slowed while any such file operations are active.

By default, if an error is found during a Parity-check the parity disk will be updated (written) with the computed data and the Sync Errors counter will be incremented. If you wish to run purely a check without writing correction, uncheck the checkbox that says Write corrections to parity before starting the check. In this mode, parity errors will be notated but not actually fixed during the check operation.

A correcting parity check is started automatically when starting the array after an "Unsafe Shutdown". An "Unsafe Shutdown" is defined as any time that the Unraid server was restarted without having previously successfully stopped the array. The most common cause of Sync Errors is an unexpected power-loss, which prevents buffered write data from being written to disk. It is highly recommended that users consider purchasing a UPS (uninterruptable power supply) for their systems so that Unraid can be set to shut down tidily on power loss, especially if frequent offsite backups aren't being performed.

It is also recommended that you run an automatic parity check periodically and this can be done under Settings->Scheduler. The frequency is up to the user but monthly or quarterly are typical choices. It is also recommended that such a check is set as non-correcting as if a disk is having problems there is a chance of you corrupting your parity if you set such a check to be correcting. The only acceptable result from such a check is to have 0 errors reported. If you do have errors reported then you should take pre-emptive action to try and find out what is causing them. If in doubt ask questions in the forum.”

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  • 10 months later...


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