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Give Container Unique IP (and MAC address?) w/ Second NIC

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My firewall (Firewalla Purple) very elegantly lets me put devices on my network behind VPN.  I'd like to do that with a specific container on my Unraid server that requires port forwarding (Channels DVR).  The Firewalla seems to get confused when two IP addresses share the same MAC addresses.  I've purchased a second NIC, but my first run at enabling it screwed things up.  How would I assign that NIC/interface to a specific container with its own IP and MAC addresses?  Should I be doing this with macvlan (something I've never setup)?  


Yes, I accomplished something similar with binhex-delugevpn, including port forwarding through the VPN provider, but for some odd reason it was very slow and flaky.


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I saw that guide.  It seems to anticipate that I put my entire Docker stack on the second NIC.  I'm not sure what happens then.  Would all of those containers be on a new IP address?  I'll have to make a lot of changes to my Swag configuration files if that's true (the container names never worked for me).  I was kind of hoping that I could just put this one container on a new IP (, and leave everything else where it is (various ports on

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