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Need help setting up unraid properly


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Hi community,


I'm an unraid user for a few years now, and have upgraded and changed my setup a couple of times to get rid of a problem that unfortunately still isn't solved and it is driving me crazy. I've spend hours evenings weekends reading the forum, support pages, and everything i tried didnt give a solution. 

So i have shutdown the box for a few months to start with a fresh setup with new hardware again, and this time I ask the community for help. 


So this is my problem: 

I have a 200\200mbit Fiber connection.

I have setup a couple of ssd's as a cache 

I have no vm's and also disabled in unraid. 


I run a couple of dockers (20 orso) 


So when i have a torrent client doesnt matter which one, i tried all of them from the appstore, and i have a sabnzb instance running and plex or emby running, and tdarr at the same time, my cpu will pin its self to 100% and stays here till i manually reboot the system, from everything i read on the forums it has to do with disk i\o. 

So at this point i thought it could be possible since i was running an industrial mobo with an i7 3470qm mobile cpu with outdated chipset, so i tried it on my desktop pc which is an i7 6gen, so couple of days had no problems so i thought i swap it for now and problem solved cheaply but not in this case, so when i was at work i noticed my nextcloud was not working, so i got home, saw, the cpu on all cores pinned to 100% again. So i was thinking wel this 6th gen must also to old to handle this workload, so i switched over to server grade hardware, x99 chipset xeon e5-2678v3 (12c \24t at 2,5ghz base and boosted tot 3.1ghz) 64gb ddr4 ecc ram 2x m2 nvme drives and al my existing ssd and hdd.

Wel first week worked like a charm, had even more resources than i would ever need, but u guessed it by now, problem returns. To solve the disk io problems i added 2 hba cards, since the cpu has 40 orso pcie lanes electricly connected, i thought i split the load from motherboard and pcie sata controller to more you know server grade controllers to do the load, well definitely faster but problem doesnt solve just the same night it crapped at me again. At this point i got so frustrated that i did run the dockers 1 at a time, till it annoyed me to a point i just shutdown the whole damn thing, got my nextcloud temporarily running on a nuc for now. So with the cost of electricity in mind here in Europe, i was ready to go for new more power efficiënt hardware, as the system underload now takes almost 500~550w of power consumption, so i got my self a z490 motherboard coupled with a i5-10400 and 64gb ddr4 ram and a 2tb m2 nvme drive as cache drive. I will use both hba or the single 24p sata pcie x4 controller havent decided on that one yet. 

I will drop the p600 and use the igpu of the i5 as it is capable enough to meet my needs, at tops maybe 4 stream that may needs transcoding if needed. 

I will be putting it al together tonight or tomorrow. 

In the meantime i ask you for advice how do i get a torrent client, nzb client, plex or emby and tadarr running al together without a frozen box at 100% cpu usage? 


Thank you for reading so far. 


Unfortunately i have no saved logs to share. 

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