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When using bond0 (aggregated in balanced-rr mode) interface, VMs loose Internet access (SOLVED)

Go to solution Solved by Normand_Nadon,

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So, I wanted a little bit more network bandwidth from my Unraid Server to the LAN.
I added a reclaimed 4 NIC card to the server and configured 2 links in bond mode 0 (balanced-rr)


The speed on NFS is almost 2Gbps, same for docker, works amazingly.


The only thing that refuses to work, is that once I activate bonding, nothing that I do will make my VM function with br0 as it used to...
All other services happily use br0, even docker.

The VM is set with br0 and virtio-net, as per recommended in the manual.


This is not working... the VM refuses to talk to the network.

If I set it to virbr0 it will work, but I lose access to the local network


What can be done to have my VM work on br0 or any combination that would give me access to the LAN as weel as the Internet?

Edited by Normand_Nadon
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I found a way... can't tell if it is the right way, but it works!
I tried comparing the way network worked on my personal workstation with virt-manager to check why it worked here but not on Unraid.
I ended-up manually typing the network interface settings in the xml and it worked!


So, basically, doing a direct connexion to the br0 bridge... 
The UI does not have this option.

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  • Normand_Nadon changed the title to When using bond0 (aggregated in balanced-rr mode) interface, VMs loose Internet access (SOLVED)

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