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Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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So I have had this issue in the past but its cropped up again due to the frequent power outages we get in the area, I have installed an UPS but for those times the power is out for longer period of times the UPS doesn't always shut the unraid down like its supposed to. So I had around 4000 errors crop up on parity check and went ahead and ran another parity check with corrections applied, when it was done I didnt get a message like I did the first time this happened saying the errors were fixed so I went into the logs and could see some of them were but I cant tell for sure if they all were, I will run another parity check just in case but that will take at least 3 days so ive posted the diag down below if any one could give me a heads up if there is any thing else I should be doing, I figured Id run a checkdisk when all was said and done but will wait on that for now. 


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