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Overwrite empty space after encrypting


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I am currently setting up a new array with a bunch of drives of an old array. I am using this opportunity and started encrypting my drives (xfs -> encrypted xfs). I emptied some drives, formatted them and copy stuff onto them, repeat.


As I understand correctly, all the data which is newly written onto those drives gets encrypted. But those drives aren't 100% full, so I guess there could still be data on areas where nothing encrypted was written to.


Now I thought I could fill all drives up to 100% to overwrite any data which might still be there and could be recovered.


Dumb idea or would this be useful? Any ideas which command might be useful to fill up those drives?



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mhmm spontaneously i would say 

"dd if=/dev/zero of=data.null bs=10G count=100" which would be a 1TB file with lots and lots of null.
"dd if=/dev/zero of=data.null bs=10G count=1000" would be 10TB

Be careful, it creates the file where you currently are in the console.

Edit: You could also download a zipbomb for quick and easy data to fill the empty space with xD 

Edited by Mainfrezzer
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