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Lose connection to webui, ssh, docker. SMB still working


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I'm running version 6.12.4.
After a while, I can't connect to Deluge in Docker, can't connect to SSH, I can only connect to the main page of the webgui but can't browse to any other page like the dashboard, it shows the loading thing turning but nothing loads. My SMB shares are still availaible. 
The only way I found to gain access again is a hard shutdown.

Any idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance

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Here are the syslog files. Hope that helps
The diagnostic file doesn't download, it keeps try to continue at that line

mkdir -p /boot/logs mkdir -p '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system' '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/config' '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/logs' '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/shares' '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/smart' '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/qemu' '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/xml' top -bn1 -o%CPU 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/top.txt' tail /boot/bz*.sha256 >> '/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/unraid-6.12.4.txt' uptime nproc lscpu 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/lscpu.txt' lsscsi -vgl 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/lsscsi.txt' lspci -knn 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/lspci.txt' lsusb 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/lsusb.txt' free -mth 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/memory.txt' ps -auxf --sort=-pcpu 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/ps.txt' lsof -Pni 2>/dev/null|todos >'/impeldown-diagnostics-20231005-1212/system/lsof.txt'


syslog- impeldown-syslog-20231005-1007.zip

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