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Automatically create child datasets in a ZFS share to a given level


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Not sure of the technical limitations for this, but figured I'd flag it anyway given similar work is probably happening with the 6.13 train.


Kind of like split levels in shares now.

When a share is created on a ZFS pool, another setting would appear with a dropdown.

This would allow the user to create child datasets x levels deep in the share.


eg. Create share 'appdata'

Setting: Create folders as child datasets: 

  • Only create datasets at the top level
  • Only create datasets at the top two levels
  • Only create datasets at the top three levels
  • Automatically create datasets at any level
  • Manual - Do not automatically create datasets


The obvious usecase for this being the ability for people to snapshot individual VMs or containers, as they're more likely to be using ZFS for cache pools rather than the array.


And I know, Spaceinvader has a video series for this, but I'd like it native.

Edited by -Daedalus
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