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Looking for old version of blue "colored balls" icon


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Hi, does anyone still happen to have a copy of the old status icon, blue-on.png lying around?  It should live in /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/images/ which in my version (6.10.3) is symlinked to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/images/.  I tried downloading some older releases, but couldn't find anything in the archives.  Would be grateful for any pointers.  Thanks!

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26 minutes ago, dlandon said:

No, but ask the developer of the plugin if they have one in their archive or look into the plugin files for it.


Yeah, I tried looking through some old tarballs but it seems the plugin just used the regular unRAID icons (which have since changed).  In the .plg file changelog I found a reference to using unRAID's status icons in mid-2015 - which version was unRAID at back then and can I still find an old version of it somewhere?


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