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Local access doesn't work, but remote still does.

Go to solution Solved by arstropica,

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I was in the process of setting up a .local subdomain for my unraid server when my ip address and .local domain names suddenly  kicked me out of the server and forwarded all requests, including logins, back out to the login page. The syslog shows that the login requests were successful, but I kept getting redirected out to login if I used either the IP or .local to access the server.  Weirdly, the .local subdomain (which is not in the list of allowed origins) is still working fine. 

The last thing I remember doing before the issue started was trying to sign in to unraid connect from the Management Access setting page.  The unraid api (/graphql) was throwing request errors about a CORS violation due to my custom local subdomain, and the unraid connect modal wouldn't complete the authorization as a result.  When I closed the page and tried to log back in to the server via an IP address, my troubles began.
I have tried rebooting several times, but the problem persists. If I have to, I will reset the entire server, but I don't want to go through the hassle of migrating my shares and setting up hardware profiling over again. 

Is there a way to reset all core unraid files without losing my shares and plugin settings? Has something like this happened to anyone else?

Edited by arstropica
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