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View Pool Device in Krusader


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Morning all, 


Just set up my server which is currently doing the parity drive which is taking 16 hours (1 P, 2 16tb drives) !!! Got 2 more drives to add later this week haha. 


I have a 1tb ssd assigned as a pool device which i want to use to downloads. Ill extract them here and then move them over to the array when ready. 


I have set up Krusader and can see my Unraid shares, Unassigned disks and remotes (be plugging the 2 16tb drives in too transfer data across on USB before adding them to the array). However i cannot find a way to see the pool SSD? Can anyone help? Thank you

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Assuming you've set up Krusader in a Docker container, you'll have to map a container path to it (similar to how you mapped a path for shares and unassigned disks).


Steps will be the same, but set Host Path as /mnt if you want to see all your unRaid drives, or /mnt/nameOfPoolDevice if you only want to map to the pool device.


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On 10/31/2023 at 7:36 PM, positronicP said:

set Host Path as /mnt if you want to see all your unRaid drives

The reason this is not the default is the damage you can cause if you don't understand how user shares work. Don't ever copy between any /mnt/user path and any disk or pool paths, until you can articulate why and how you can cause permanent data loss copying between the two types of paths.

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