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Another Windows 10 can't see unRaid issue

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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My old unRaid v5.xx hardware died and I am in the process of getting things back going. I have migrated drives to a new(er) machine and successfully restarted the array with new USB running version 6.12.4


I still cannot access shares in windows 10. I have been browsing threads/stickies and trying everything I could. I can now see /Tower in the windows Network, and open it without an error (have been through multiple different error messages to get to this point). However, it is empty... I cannot see any of the shares that seem to be assigned in unraid. Global share settings are enabled. Not sure at this point if it's a windows network thing, or if I just don't have unraid configured correctly since it's a new build and just getting back up and going?


Diagnostics attached, appreciate any help.


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Try this approach:





New installs of Unraid have implemented new security features that can make SMB connections a difficult problem to resolve when upgrading from the version 5 of Unraid.  (Plus, WIN10 does not like allowing SMB connections to servers without login credentials for that server!)

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6 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Have you checked that you do not have the Export setting for the shares set to No (which is the default).   You need one of the other settings for them to be visible on the network.

Ha, that seems to have done it! All shares were set to No. I changed them to Yes and everything seems to be visible and accessible at least in one of my Win10 computers, for now at least. I'll check the others this evening. I'm a little nervous that I had that windows error briefly then back to ok, so we will see how stable this is and whether I need to try a different approach.


Many thanks. Will post again if issues recur/persist.

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