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Out of memory issue?

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Hi All - 


I am new to unraid and recently setup my server with 64 GB of RAM running 20 dockers.

It seems that there may be a memory leak somewhere as I am getting warnings of memory filling up and sometimes the server becomes unresponsive forcing a restart.


I'm not able to pin point what it could be, could someone help me with this one? Included is the diagnositic information


Thank you!


Edited by shewishewi
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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

If it's a one time thing you can ignore, if it keeps happening try limiting more the RAM for VMs and/or docker containers, the problem is usually not just about not enough RAM but more about fragmented RAM, alternatively a small swap file on disk might help, you can use the swapfile plugin:



I've had the server freeze up on me quite a bit recently requiring a restart. I just added RAM limits to most of the unimportant dockers for now and uninstalled unnecessary plugins.

What does the swap file do ? is there a drawback in adding this ?

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