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Trying to pass Unraid NFS share to proxmox


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I have a postgresql lxc, created from https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/, running Debian 12

In the datacenter i have added an NFS share from Unraid, and passed that on to the LXC as a mount point to /unraid.

I have rsynced my /etc/postgresql folder to /unraid, but it couldn't update permisions. And I get Permission Denied when I try to chown -R postgres:postgres /unraid/postgresql

There is nothing in the logs of my Unraid server

I have tried backing up the container and restoring it as privileged, without any luck. What am I missing here - it seems like basic functionality that I just do not understand
I tried manually setting the userid and groupid on the postgresql server on unraid to the userid and groupid of the postgres user in the LXC - and that showed the postgres user as owner, but game be permission denied when entering (before I could enter the directory, and edit files, but not start my postgres


I am not able to have this container run in Unraid because of a VPN client attached networkwide to the Proxmox lcx container

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