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Errors found after upgrade

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Just upgraded to the latest, got this now:


Same share (movies) exists in a different caseThis will confuse SMB shares. Manual intervention required. Use the dolphin / krusader docker app to combine the shares into one unified spelling  More Information

Same share (Movies) exists in a different caseThis will confuse SMB shares. Manual intervention required. Use the dolphin / krusader docker app to combine the shares into one unified spelling  More Information


I have no idea what this means.  Well, I know what it means, but where do I "manually intervene?"  I'm not interested in downloading another docker appp, and when I looked at both of the suggestions, they simply appear to be file managers.  

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This error must have been there before the upgrade, but you are just now noticing them :( 


There are various other options for similar functionality:

  • Dynamix File Manager plugin.  This is likely to be a standard part of a future Unraid release although at the moment it is a plugin you have to install.
  • The 'mc' (Midnight Commander) from a console session for a character based 'pseudo' GUI.   This ships as standard with Unraid and has for a long time.
  • Do it yourself from a console session using Linux commands.    A lot less user friendly and error prone if you are not used to the Linux command line.

At the end of the day you are going to have to manually move files from one folder to another so you can eliminate folders with the same name but different case   The error arises due to the fact that Linux file/folder names are case sensitive whereas SMB is not.


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I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it.


My share is defined in one place, and only one place, as far as I am aware.  I only ever remember creating one share, with one case of the first letter.  Now there are two shares.  With two cases.  I don't know where the second share came from.


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