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protect my unraid with password?

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first ov all i would like to thank everyoen that has helped me so far as iv posted quiet alot  these couple of days needing help. so thankyou for your help so far really appriciate it.


i have my unraid up and running. (free edition) can i protect it with a password. so anyone that wants to get into any of my share folders they will need to enter a password first ?


reason i want this is i have friends round my home at times and they connect to my network and i dont want them to have acsess to my unraid. (not that i dont trust them. its more piece of mind as they might delete things in my unraid)

thanks for any help on this  :)

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first ov all i would like to thank everyoen that has helped me so far as iv posted quiet alot  these couple of days needing help. so thankyou for your help so far really appriciate it.


i have my unraid up and running. (free edition) can i protect it with a password. so anyone that wants to get into any of my share folders they will need to enter a password first ?

No, you cannot protect the share folders from specific users on the "free" version.  User-level security is available on either of the paid versions.
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first ov all i would like to thank everyoen that has helped me so far as iv posted quiet alot  these couple of days needing help. so thankyou for your help so far really appriciate it.


i have my unraid up and running. (free edition) can i protect it with a password. so anyone that wants to get into any of my share folders they will need to enter a password first ?

No, you cannot protect the share folders from specific users on the "free" version.   User-level security is available on either of the paid versions.


ok i am going to buy it soon anyway so thats cool. can i disable delete option in share folders ? for example in my music folder no one can delete anything in that folder but you can still add music to the folder?

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