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Connectivity issues - SSH timeouts, unable to write to share

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I'm a happy user of Unraid for almost a year now, but today I noticed strange behaviour.

I was doing some stuff from the command line and it keeps closing my window after about 30 seconds.

I thought maybe that was related to networking so I ran ping for about 10 minutes - not a single dropped packet.


It was annoying, but not a day breaking issue, until I wanted to copy file to a SMB share from my Windows client. It simply hangs on preparing file, then share goes offline and reconnects after a few seconds. It's worth to mention that UI is also frozen righ after I start copy.


To exclude issue with SSD cache I created new share with only the array as primary pool, but same problem.

I tried to use different client with Windows, same story.


Recent change that I made was that I wanted to switch my Docker to macvlan to utilize vlans and router on stick.

It was working just fine, unfortunetly I didn't have a need to copy any files for some time so I don't know if issue appears right after this change. Fix common problem plugin also span an error about bridging + macvlan, but I remediated it as advised in the documentation, by disabling bridging and allowing host access to networks from Docker settings.


Still I think that problem is more complicated than Docker, I can even turn it off but issue with shares still exists so it's likely not related.

I really hope that you can help me on this one, righ now my server is a nice table for a coffee if I can't use it properly.




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9 minutes ago, s4nguine said:

Recent change that I made was that I wanted to switch my Docker to macvlan to utilize vlans and router on stick.

Did you make sure to disable bridging on eth0 as mentioned in the Release Notes?   Normally required for the system to be stable when using macvlan.

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Definitely it's disabled with only bonding enabled.

I tried to revert all of my changes, going back to ipvlan, with bridging and bonding enabled like it was for like couple of months but I think that if it's not working with Docker service disabled it's not a root cause. I also tried to disable bonding at all with only bridging enabled - still same problem.

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Anyone? :(
At this point I feel that I need to save my data, I tried to move them to the biggest drive with Unbalance plugin but even that hangs out.

Oddly copying files from the array with SMB share kinda works, going up to 100mb/s then down to 0, and so on, so remote backup will take ages.

In the meantime I tried to run server with safe mode, no Docker, no VM, no NIC bonding/bridging and still same issue...

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If anyone is interested, I'm done with Unraid - it was really nice experience for almost a year and I understand why it's praised but situation when core service of NAS like file sharing is not working is a no-go for me. I'm not saying it's not my fault or a hardware issue but at least I should be informed or I should see any error in system/array logs.


Current situation looks like this:

1. I managed to scatter files across smalest of my drives using built-in file manager (there is a convinient option to change location to another drive). Unfortunetly I lost about 1TB of data during movement and it was laggy as hell. Fortunetly for me I can live without them but you see what I mean by choosing another solution.

2. I will connect these data drives on trial Unraid on a different machine and copy files over to new server using SMB (or at least I hope it will work).


This topic can be closed, thanks.

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