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zfs: raidz2, drive replaced via cli, shows too many drives after a few reboots

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Unraid is currently not able to start my array, too many drives error, though i've rebooted a few times since replacement and addition of a slog.  It also doesn't show the replaced drive in the pool of devices.  I have 5 drives in my array and 1 slog, plus a boot usb.


I replaced via the standard cli, so maybe I screwed it up and it thinks I have 6 in the array?  need to figure out how to get unraid to clean up and see the zfs pools as they exist.


Any ideas on what I should do next?

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  pool: zfs
     id: 373615592619169231
  state: ONLINE
 action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        zfs                                              ONLINE
          raidz2-0                                       ONLINE
            sdg1                                         ONLINE
            sdh1                                         ONLINE
            ata-ST20000NM007D-3DJ103_ZVT8NRQ5            ONLINE
            sdc1                                         ONLINE
            sdd1                                         ONLINE
          ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_250GB_S2R5NX0J542745K  ONLINE



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  • Solution

Unassign all pool devices, start array, stop array, reassign all pool devices, including the logs device, in the same order as the zpool import output, so sdg, sdh, etc, logs device in the end, then start the array and post new diags if the pool doesn't mount.

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I believe I went over the drive limit with the addition of the SLOG due to the fact the "array" has to have a single drive in the system (usb) that I use for nothing else.  So rather than try to work around that, I upgraded the license. 


I am pretty sure I can start the array, but your instruction made it seem like i should add the SLOG to the pool device list.  I added it, but it gave me an error about wanting to expand the array, which i certainly don't want to do as it was working and the UI makes me believe it is trying to expand the space in the pool, not just recognize that there is a SLOG.



I just want it as a slog which has an INCREDIBLE effect on speeding up time machine backups as they get larger.  (probably about 90% drop in time to backup)



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14 minutes ago, scot said:

am pretty sure I can start the array, but your instruction made it seem like i should add the SLOG to the pool device list.

You do, but you have to reset the pool first, hence:


2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Unassign all pool devices, start array, stop array, reassign all pool devices,


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When you say unassign, I am assuming you mean to go the pool devices on the "Main" tab, then select each drive one by one under identification, then select no device.  Repeat for each one.


When that is done go to the bottom and hit start under array operation. 


I attempted to do this, but start remains grey stating "missing cache disk", it does offer a checkbox to force proceeding. 

"Start will remove the missing cache disk and then bring the array on-line.
Yes, I want to do this"


Double checking since the terminology you are using isn't precisely matching the UI.  Apologies. 





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