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macvlan issues won't go away

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Recently I upgraded to 6.12.6 from 6.11.1. Ever since then, I got crashes which after a bit of investigation were due to the macvlan bug introduced in 6.12.6. The first thing I tried was to remove the macvlan and create it again. However I am thwarted with the error 'gateway already in use'. I tried searching online or what that meant or how to solve it and got nowhere. (Sidenote: why is that error message so vague and unhelpful? A gateway is supposed to be used by multiple devices. It's a gateway. It has literally no other function than to serve multiple devices on a network.)


People did suggest trying IPvlan instead, but I got the same error. I thought it might be a problem with Portainer, but I get the same error in command line.


So today I decided I had enough and downgraded to 6.11.1 again. However, the problem hasn't gone away and I now also get the same error in 6.11.1, whereas before it used to run just fine. This is all very frustrating. Does anyone have a solution? I just want everything to work the way it did before.

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17 minutes ago, BreakfastPurrito said:

The first thing I tried was to remove the macvlan and create it again.

What do you mean by this? You should have either changed to ipvlan or disable bridging to keep using macvlan, that's all in the release notes.


18 minutes ago, BreakfastPurrito said:

However I am thwarted with the error 'gateway already in use'

Where do you get this error? Post a screenshot and steps you do to cause that.

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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

What do you mean by this? You should have either changed to ipvlan or disable bridging to keep using macvlan, that's all in the release notes.

I tried those settings, it doesn't help. I tried every combination of those settings. No dice.


As for the error, this is all I get:

unraid fucks up macvlan.png

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I was trying to explain that the error you see is not coming from Unraid, but I do agree that this discussion is not going anywhere, and since you've started a new thread I'm going to close this one, hopefully someone else will be able to help you there.

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