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I think my unraid mover isn't moving my files fast enough

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Excuse my ignorance I'm rather new to homelabing. So, I have 2GB internet connection downloading videos at around 100MB/s. I also have a cache pool of two NVMe SSD drives (1TB/2TB) where they get downloaded too. It fills up rather quickly... Right now, I have a parity sync going but what I am noticing is the mover is having a tough time moving files from my cache to my array. I have the mover set to run every hour or when the cache reaches 70%.


Would the cause of this be:

  • Not being more proactive with the mover triggers given the incoming speeds
  • Having a bottleneck with the mover moving 2TB-ish files to a slower HDD Arrays
  • Hey Stupid!!! you have a parity sync going thats gonna fuck your shit up!!!


I know send me your logs. I will if I need to but right now I just want overall opinions before I get super technical.


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  • Solution

You are just downloading faster than mover is capable of handling.   Mover can never move files faster than you would get if you were bypassing the cache and going directly to the array.   It sounds as if your download speed can exceed the speed you can write to the array.  Mover is not really designed for the scenario you describe and you may be better of not trying to cache these downloads.


One solution will be to avoid downloading to a location that mover later needs to move to the main array. 


If you DO want to continue downloading to the cache drive then make sure that you have the Minimum Free Space value for that pool set to be larger than the biggest file you expect to download so that downloads will start by-passing the cache pool for new files when the free space on it drops below that value.   If you download multiple files in parallel then the free space value would need to be larger than their combined size.

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