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[solved] Pcie 8x in 4x


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Yes, an 8x card will fit without problems in a 16x slot, the 'number x' means the amount of datalines the slot has, and the card can use. PCI-e cards will automaticly use the maximum amount of datalines they can, so as long as it physically fits, it should work, although some older motherboards only had PCI-e 16x video-slots that wouldn't accept other cards, that is a problem you probably won't have.


Edit: Forgot to say, on that board, the 16x refers to the physical size of the slot, and the 4x is the amount of datalines that are actually connected to the processor. So no matter what is there, it won't use more than 4x, and if you put in a 1x PCI-e card it would of course use only 1 dataline.

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