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DirSyncPro Log

Go to solution Solved by nigelt,

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I have been unable to find a solution to this issue.


Since I rebuilt my unraid server, I have been unable to use DirSyncPro docker. I have deleted and reinstalled countless times.

Every time I try to configure a Job, I get a problem where it is unable to write to a logfile. I have tried various paths, ensured write access to those folders.


the log from starting DirSyncPro is as follows:


lease read the 'License.txt' file accompanying this program.

ERROR: Log file '//DirSyncPro.log' could not be created.

ERROR: Log file '//DirSyncProJobset.log' could not be created.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at dirsyncpro.tools.Log.writeLog(Unknown Source)
        at dirsyncpro.tools.Log.writeToAllLogs(Unknown Source)
        at dirsyncpro.tools.Log.print(Unknown Source)
        at dirsyncpro.tools.Log.printMinimal(Unknown Source)
        at dirsyncpro.gui.mainframe.MainFrame.initConfig(Unknown Source)
        at dirsyncpro.DirSyncPro.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        ... 6 more


Unraid 6.12.8


Anyone have any thoughts?



Edited by nigelt
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