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[SOLVED] Help! Upgraded from 6.12.6 to 6.12.8, now webUI inaccessible

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Feb 25 13:09:00 SelaNAS nginx: 2024/02/25 13:09:00 [crit] 23845#23845: pwrite() "/var/run/nginx.pid" failed (28: No space left on device)



df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs           94G  2.0G   92G   3% /
tmpfs            32M   32M     0 100% /run
/dev/sdd1       7.5G  1.6G  6.0G  21% /boot
overlay          94G  2.0G   92G   3% /lib
overlay          94G  2.0G   92G   3% /usr
devtmpfs        8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs           126G     0  126G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           384M  672K  384M   1% /var/log
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/disks
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/remotes
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/addons
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/rootshare


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  • Solution

This is a known issue for systems where the CPU has 128 cores.    The current workaround is to increase the size of /var/run.  I do not have the URL to hand that gives the command to do this but you should be able to find it from a  forum search.

  • Thanks 1
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Doesn't help, still same errors. Maybe the go-file is not the place to do it? Is it processed too late?



Feb 25 13:52:00 SelaNAS dbus-daemon[4609]: Failed to start message bus: Failed to close "/var/run/dbus/dbus.pid": No space left on device

Feb 25 13:52:00 SelaNAS elogind-daemon[4621]: Failed to write PID file /run/elogind.pid: No space left on device

Feb 25 13:53:26 SelaNAS vnstatd[15759]: Error: writing to pidfile "/var/run/vnstat/vnstat.pid" failed (No space left on device), exiting.


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How do I restart the dsub service? there's no rc.* file for it.


I tried to manually start elogind and vnstat, this is what I get:


Feb 25 14:29:32 SelaNAS elogind-daemon[34364]: Failed to connect to system bus: No such file or directory
Feb 25 14:29:32 SelaNAS elogind-daemon[34364]: Failed to fully start up daemon: No such file or directory
Feb 25 14:30:13 SelaNAS vnstatd[34661]: vnStat daemon 2.6 started. (pid:34661 uid:0 gid:0 64-bit)
Feb 25 14:30:13 SelaNAS vnstatd[34661]: Monitoring (11): wg0 (no limit) vhost3 (10000 Mbit) vhost2 (10000 Mbit) usb0 (no limit) tunl0 (no limit) eth3 (10000 Mbit) eth2 (10000 Mbit) eth1 (no limit) eth0 (40000 Mbit) br1 (no limit) br0 (40000 Mbit)


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  • shpitz461 changed the title to [SOLVED] Help! Upgraded from 6.12.6 to 6.12.8, now webUI inaccessible

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