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HPA? showing up on new hardware.


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Hey there, I have recently upgraded my unraid box, new cpu/mobo/ram.

Everything went very smoothly with the migration, ran a parity check, everything is A-OK

However, when I go to the " myMain " tab in unMenu, my data drives are showing a HPA? beside the green check mark.

When I hover over the HPA? it says " Warning: Detected non-standard drive size - may contain an HPA, Set drive hpa_ok attribute to 1 to ignore. "

This was not showing with my previous hardware and I have searched the Bios and I can't seem to find anything HPA related.

The motherboard is a ASUS P7H55-M LX

Is there any need for me to worry about the array ?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am still rather new to unRAID.

If it matters, I am running unRAID 4.7


Thanks in advance for your time !

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Hey there, I have recently upgraded my unraid box, new cpu/mobo/ram.

Everything went very smoothly with the migration, ran a parity check, everything is A-OK

However, when I go to the " myMain " tab in unMenu, my data drives are showing a HPA? beside the green check mark.

When I hover over the HPA? it says " Warning: Detected non-standard drive size - may contain an HPA, Set drive hpa_ok attribute to 1 to ignore. "

This was not showing with my previous hardware and I have searched the Bios and I can't seem to find anything HPA related.

The motherboard is a ASUS P7H55-M LX

Is there any need for me to worry about the array ?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am still rather new to unRAID.

If it matters, I am running unRAID 4.7


Thanks in advance for your time !

Without a syslog, nobody can help you.  This is an issue with myMain, not unRAID, so the thread was moved.


Post a syslog, and you can get advice.

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WDC WD20EARS-00M WD-WMAZA3891575 size: 1953514552

WDC WD20EARS-00M WD-WCAZA2927317 size: 1953513492 <-----

WDC WD20EARS-00M WD-WMAZA3821240 size: 1953513492 <-----


It sure looks like HPA to me. The ASUS P7H55-M LX is not know to cause HPA problems, so something happened in the past to create HPAs on those disks. Get rid of them and they will not reappear.




hdparm -N is the way to go, but it doesn't always work (it won't for me).


I use Seagate Tools to remove HPAs.

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Thanks for the reply !


so.. just to confirm, I should..


Try this:

hdparm -N p1953525168 /dev/sdf


Follow it with

hdparm -N /dev/sdf

to see if it took effect.


And doing so will not affect my data at all ?

I am also assuming this is done through telnet(putty) ?


Cheers !

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Thanks for the reply !


so.. just to confirm, I should..


Try this:

hdparm -N p1953525168 /dev/sdf


Follow it with

hdparm -N /dev/sdf

to see if it took effect.


And doing so will not affect my data at all ?

I am also assuming this is done through telnet(putty) ?


Cheers !

DO ONE DRIVE AT A TIME TO ITS COMPLETION, or you will lose data.


When you change the size of the drive by removing the HPA it is likely that unRAID will consider it a new drive when you next start the array since its size has changed.  It will want to expand the file-system to use the new space and then re-construct the data onto the "new" drive.  You'll need to let that occur and complete before removing the HPA on the next drive.  (Otherwise you'll have two new drives and your array will not start at all)


Joe L.

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Hey guys, finally got some time to fire the box up and have a look at it...

This is what im getting through telnet

root@Beafy:~# hdparm -N /dev/sdb

max sectors   = 3907027055/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)
root@Beafy:~# hdparm -N /dev/sdc

max sectors   = 3907027055/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


Am I missing something here ?  Sorry if this seems stupid, I just dont want to lose all my data becasue I feel like I am NOT seeing my native hdd size.



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Hey guys, finally got some time to fire the box up and have a look at it...

This is what im getting through telnet

root@Beafy:~# hdparm -N /dev/sdb

max sectors   = 3907027055/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)
root@Beafy:~# hdparm -N /dev/sdc

max sectors   = 3907027055/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


Am I missing something here ?  Sorry if this seems stupid, I just dont want to lose all my data becasue I feel like I am NOT seeing my native hdd size.



since the hpa setting seems invalid, you'll probably need to use something other than the hdparm command to remove the HPA.
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Thanks for the reply Joe. 

If I leave the my drives alone, will it hurt anything ?

Or should I get the HPA out of there ?


Thanks !

If your current BIOS is adding it, it will be an issue eventually.  Otherwise, it is not an issue other than if it is on your parity drive. (because it will prevent you from using a slightly larger non-HPA affected disk as a data drive)
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WDC WD20EARS-00M WD-WMAZA3891575 size: 1953514552

WDC WD20EARS-00M WD-WCAZA2927317 size: 1953513492 <-----

WDC WD20EARS-00M WD-WMAZA3821240 size: 1953513492 <-----


It sure looks like HPA to me. The ASUS P7H55-M LX is not know to cause HPA problems, so something happened in the past to create HPAs on those disks. Get rid of them and they will not reappear.




hdparm -N is the way to go, but it doesn't always work (it won't for me).


I use Seagate Tools to remove HPAs.


Seeing how hdparm doesn't seem to be working for me, quick question....  With SeaTools for windows...Just want to make sure before i tear the box apart.

Would you recommend...

pulling one of my data drives(7317 or 1240),

bringing it upstairs,

plugging it into my main PC,

running SeaTools for windows,

enable advanced tests,

USB Erase Tracks,

Full Disk Erase ?


From looking at the software, this seems like the path to take, but a second opinion would be appreciated :)


Thanks in advance for any help !



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