Using local docker registry -> Unraid says "not available" for image version?

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Hey folks,


I started to tinker with creating my own docker images and going down the rabbit hole I also got interested in hosting my own docker registry, which is easy to do with the Registry available in the CA.

I set it up as insecure for now, since its purely for local testing and I set both my PC I dev at and Unraid with the appropiate insecure registry entry in the config. I can push images towards the registry and Unraid can deploy containers from it via a manually created templates using the local registry as repo just fine.


But sooner or later the Version detected switches from "up-to-date" to "not- available". Does not matter if its actually the newest image or not on the registry. If I want to update a container, I have to resort to the force update to get the new image and container built.

How does the version check actually work?


I wasn't able to find anything really conclusive with my google-fu.

I am just creating basic Docker images on my PC ala "docker build" with a dockerfile for my own apps. Tag them on the registry and then push them to the registry. So any new images pushed would be defaulting to the "latest" tag AFAIK which would also be what the templates I created in Unraid's Docker tab pull from. Anything I misunderstood in the Docker image creation flow?

Does this plainly not work with non CA/Dockerhub sourced images? Do I need to adjust my build command? Is the registry at fault?

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