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had 1 drive fail and have 1 drive parity but can't access files

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A couple days I had one of my drives fail. I have one drive for parity. I had a hotspare and started doing the data rebuild. But when I went to use plex, it's saying file can't be accessed. I tried over 20 different movies and shows and something. I remember last time this happened, I was able to access the files. Is it a setting that I need to change or I'm not able to access files when one drive files? Thank you 

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2 minutes ago, itimpi said:

You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. It is always a good idea when asking questions to supply your diagnostics so we can see details of your system, how you have things configured, and the current syslog.

Sorry about that. I attached the file. I haven't changed any settings. Or none that I could think of




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Looks like you have corruption on disk1:

Mar  8 17:47:03 Importimage kernel: XFS (md1p1): Corruption warning: Metadata has LSN (-1723008584:-1473360099) ahead of current LSN (2:2434814). Please unmount and run xfs_repair (>= v4.3) to resolve.
Mar  8 17:47:03 Importimage kernel: XFS (md1p1): Metadata CRC error detected at xfs_bmbt_read_verify+0x12/0x5a [xfs], xfs_bmbt block 0x87ffd298 

you should run a check filesystem on disk1, and run without -n and if it asks for it adding -L.  

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8 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Looks like you have corruption on disk1:

Mar  8 17:47:03 Importimage kernel: XFS (md1p1): Corruption warning: Metadata has LSN (-1723008584:-1473360099) ahead of current LSN (2:2434814). Please unmount and run xfs_repair (>= v4.3) to resolve.
Mar  8 17:47:03 Importimage kernel: XFS (md1p1): Metadata CRC error detected at xfs_bmbt_read_verify+0x12/0x5a [xfs], xfs_bmbt block 0x87ffd298 

you should run a check filesystem on disk1, and run without -n and if it asks for it adding -L.  

Disk 1 is the drive that I replaced with a new one and is currently being rebuilt. Going through the data rebuild. 

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2 minutes ago, itimpi said:

If it is being rebuilt then the corruption is probably in the emulated drive so the rebuilt drive will have the same issue and need repsiring.

Oh okay. I see. So I should follow the steps from above that you provided after the rebuild stops? 

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35 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Looks like you have corruption on disk1:

Mar  8 17:47:03 Importimage kernel: XFS (md1p1): Corruption warning: Metadata has LSN (-1723008584:-1473360099) ahead of current LSN (2:2434814). Please unmount and run xfs_repair (>= v4.3) to resolve.
Mar  8 17:47:03 Importimage kernel: XFS (md1p1): Metadata CRC error detected at xfs_bmbt_read_verify+0x12/0x5a [xfs], xfs_bmbt block 0x87ffd298 

you should run a check filesystem on disk1, and run without -n and if it asks for it adding -L.  

also sorry what command would I use? I looked and the guide and can't seem to find any command that ends with -n. Just want to make sure i'm running the correct command. Thank you 

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1 hour ago, Importimage1 said:

also sorry what command would I use? I looked and the guide and can't seem to find any command that ends with -n. Just want to make sure i'm running the correct command. Thank you 

If you do it from the gui you will find that -n is pre-filled into the options field (which makes it a read-only check).  You need to remove the -n to actually fix anything, and add there -L if the xfs_repair asks for it.

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19 minutes ago, Importimage1 said:

I ran the filesystem but looks like some data was lost or was not all was transferred back to drive 1.

There is no concept of ‘transferring data back’ as the rebuild works at the raw sector level.     That is why we normally recommend doing the repair on the emulated drive before doing the rebuild as that keeps the physical drive intact to give other recovery options.


Do you have a lost+found folder on the drive?   That is where the repair process puts any file/folder for which it cannot find the firectory entry to give it the correct name.


3 minutes ago, Importimage1 said:

Should I run a parity check? Not sure if that would do anything. Thank you 


Not really much point as the rebuild has made the physical drive agree with parity so it achieves nothing other than confirming that parity agrees with the data drives (although if you now got errors it would indicate some other hardware underlying issue)


Do you have backups of everything important or hard to replace?    Parity is not a substitute for such backups as drive failure is not the only way to loose data.

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2 minutes ago, itimpi said:

There is no concept of ‘transferring data back’ as the rebuild works at the raw sector level.     That is why we normally recommend doing the repair on the emulated drive before doing the rebuild as that keeps the physical drive intact to give other recovery options.


Do you have a lost+found folder on the drive?   That is where the repair process puts any file/folder for which it cannot find the firectory entry to give it the correct name.



Not really much point as the rebuild has made the physical drive agree with parity so it achieves nothing other than confirming that parity agrees with the data drives (although if you now got errors it would indicate some other hardware underlying issue)


Do you have backups of everything important or hard to replace?    Parity is not a substitute for such backups as drive failure is not the only way to loose data.

I do see a lost+found folder in Disk 1

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3 minutes ago, Importimage1 said:

I do see a lost+found folder in Disk 1

The files/folders there will have cryptic names, and the Linux ‘file’ command can help with identifying the content type of files.   Other than that it is a manual process to inspect them to sort out their original names.   

if you have decent backups frequently easier to restore missing files from there.


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Just now, itimpi said:

The files/folders there will have cryptic names, and the Linux ‘file’ command can help with identifying the content type of files.   Other than that it is a manual process to inspect them to sort out their original names.

I see. Ok I will go through the files. Most of the files lost were movies and tv shows. So that can be replaced. 


If this happens again were a drive would fail and I have an X next to it, I would do the the filesystem check first and not replace the drive or data rebuild? 

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2 minutes ago, Importimage1 said:

So now it's going back to how it was before. When I click on the drive to see the files I can see the folders but the folders are empty or can't access them on Drive 1, Drive shows as being almost full but files are missing. Kinda weird 

Sorry wrong drive. Looks like everything is still the same. Just lost data and will need to recover it. Thank you for your help

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2 minutes ago, Importimage1 said:

If this happens again were a drive would fail and I have an X next to it, I would do the the filesystem check first and not replace the drive or data rebuild? 

Most of the time a drive is disabled (has a red ‘x’ against it) the drive has not really failed catastrophically, just had a write to it failed.   In such a case data can often be retrieved from the physical drive rather than the emulated one.

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5 hours ago, itimpi said:

Most of the time a drive is disabled (has a red ‘x’ against it) the drive has not really failed catastrophically, just had a write to it failed.   In such a case data can often be retrieved from the physical drive rather than the emulated one.

Thank you for your help

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