[GUIDE] How To Control Fan Speed On Dell Server

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In the terminal, enter the following command to navigate to the Docker templates directory:

cd /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user


Use the nano text editor to create a new XML file for the Docker container configuration:

nano my-Dell-iDRAC-Fan-Controller.xml


Now, copy and paste the XML configuration

Paste this into the nano editor. To paste in the terminal, you can usually right-click and select "Paste" or use Ctrl + Shift + V.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
    All parameters are optional as they have default values (including default iDRAC username and password).&#xD;
    IDRAC_HOST parameter can be set to "local" or to your distant iDRAC's IP address. Default value is "local".&#xD;
    IDRAC_USERNAME parameter is only necessary if you're adressing a distant iDRAC. Default value is "root".&#xD;
    IDRAC_PASSWORD parameter is only necessary if you're adressing a distant iDRAC. Default value is "calvin".&#xD;
    FAN_SPEED parameter can be set as a decimal (from 0 to 100%) or hexadecimal value (from 0x00 to 0x64) you want to set the fans to. Default value is 5(%).&#xD;
    CPU_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD parameter is the T&#xB0;junction (junction temperature) threshold beyond which the Dell fan profile defined in your BIOS will become active again (to protect the server hardware against overheat). Default value is 50(&#xB0;C).&#xD;
    CHECK_INTERVAL parameter is the time (in seconds) between each temperature check and potential profile change. Default value is 60(s).&#xD;
    DISABLE_THIRD_PARTY_PCIE_CARD_DELL_DEFAULT_COOLING_RESPONSE parameter is a boolean that allows to disable third-party PCIe card Dell default cooling response. Default value is false.&#xD;
    ipmi tool installation help: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/129200-plug-in-nerdtools/ for installation and check this link for missing ipmi&#xD;
    ipmi tool can't find /dev/ipmi0?: https://serverfault.com/questions/480371/ipmitool-cant-find-dev-ipmi0-or-dev-ipmidev-0</Overview>
  <Config Name="IDRAC_HOST" Target="IDRAC_HOST" Default="local" Mode="" Description="IDRAC_HOST parameter can be set to local or to your distant iDRAC's IP address. Default value is local" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">IDRAC IPADDRESS</Config>
  <Config Name="FAN_SPEED" Target="FAN_SPEED" Default="5" Mode="" Description="FAN_SPEED parameter can be set as a decimal (from 0 to 100%) or hexadecimaladecimal value (from 0x00 to 0x64) you want to set the fans to. Default value is 5(%)." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">30</Config>
  <Config Name="CPU_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD" Target="CPU_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD" Default="50" Mode="" Description="CPU_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD parameter is the T&#xB0;junction (junction temperature) threshold beyond which the Dell fan profile defined in your BIOS will become active again (to protect the server hardware against overheat). Default value is 50(&#xB0;C)." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">50</Config>
  <Config Name="CHECK_INTERVAL" Target="CHECK_INTERVAL" Default="60" Mode="" Description="CHECK_INTERVAL parameter is the time (in seconds) between each temperature check and potential profile change. Default value is 60(s).&#13;&#10;" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">60</Config>
  <Config Name="IDRAC_USERNAME" Target="IDRAC_USERNAME" Default="root" Mode="" Description="" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">IDRAC USERNAME</Config>
  <Config Name="IDRAC_PASSWORD" Target="IDRAC_PASSWORD" Default="calvin" Mode="" Description="" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">IDRAC PASSWORD</Config>
  <Config Name="DISABLE_THIRD_PARTY_PCIE_CARD_DELL_DEFAULT_COOLING_RESPONSE" Target="DISABLE_THIRD_PARTY_PCIE_CARD_DELL_DEFAULT_COOLING_RESPONSE" Default="false" Mode="" Description="parameter is a boolean that allows to disable third-party PCIe card Dell default cooling response. Default value is false." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">false</Config>


Once you've finished pasting the XML configuration into nano, save the changes by pressing Ctrl + O (to write out the changes), then press Enter (to confirm the file name), and finally, Ctrl + X to exit the editor.

Go back to the Unraid web interface.

Navigate to the Docker tab by selecting "Docker" from the top menu.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll see an "Add Container" button. Click it.

In the "Template" dropdown menu, you should now see your newly created template 'Dell-iDRAC-Fan-Controller'. Select it.

Review the settings and make any adjustments if needed. 

Click on "Apply" to create the Docker container.

Edited by Tolete
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