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Pushover notification formatting

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I love getting notifications via Pushover and really appreciate that it's supported natively. Sadly, though, the formatting is not ideal.


I have the 'Array Status Notification' turned on, and I get every character of every drive serial number sent to my phone. I'm cool with that, but it's unreadable in portrait mode, so I have to rotate the phone.



Still, though, no big deal till you get to the bottom of the list and realize that with 15 drives in the array, I don't get info on all 15 of them - notice the Cache drive? Yeah, it's cut off at 'Seagate_FireCuda_12' because the message has hit Pushover's message size limit.


If all the drives are active, I get temps on them all and don't see any info on the Cache drive at all. I don't even see the word "Cache".


It would be great to get just the last 4 digits of the serial number the linux drive assignment "(sdx)" and "Active 'temp'" or "Standby". It would be spectacular to be able to configure what info I get.


Again, VERY appreciative that this is a built in feature, I would just like it even more if it were ever so slightly more useful. Heaven help me if I add another drive!


*NOTE: I'm sure the same formatting settings would be usable for all the different notification apps, so I doubt that it would have to be custom just for Pushover. ;)


Edited by FreeMan
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