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Migrate PLEX from TrueNAS (Core, v13) to UnRaid (v6.12.9)

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I am trying to migrate Plex-Media-Server (PMS plex-pass) from TrueNAS (core, v13) to UnRaid (v6.12.9), on the same system (Supermicro). I have already imported the ZFS pool of TrueNAS in Unraid and trying to follow the "Move an install to another system" Plex guide.

I have made the app install (docker container) but after unzipping all TrueNAS files & folders (all expect the not-needed Cache folder) PMS went “dark” and although the container starts there is no web-UI functionality any longer. Setting all files and folders to “root” user as owner (the user under which PMS was installed) made no difference. Any ideas/hints on how TrueNAS PLEX can migrate to UnRaid please?

Thank you.

Edited by G3orgios
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems that the Web-UI disappearance was a glitch and after a container restart it was fine. Still, although I stopped the container, unzipped all past Plex files (FreeNAS), restarted the container, the server is visible via Web-UI and registered to my account but NO Library is visible, showing just as a fresh PMS install. Any ideas?

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Plex doesn't have a good way to import the library metadata.

its not easy to backup move and store. and will differ based on other path settings.



Best practice is to rebuild the library index on the other machine.

You will have to rebuild the media library when transitioning.


I recommend Linux IO Plex docker on unraid.



in the template match your file library for media in the plex settings.


Edited by bmartino1
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@bmartino1 thank you for the feedback provided!


The migration described by Plex didn't worked in the OFFICIAL PMS docker app, even after setting the proper owner (chown -R nobody:users ./) and access rights (chmod -R 755 ./) to all copied files. Strangely the SAME procedure using the BinHex PMS docker app, works fine and all content and metadata appear intact in the new installation (Unraid) from the past one (TrueNAS Core).


On a side note, it seems that following the OFFICIAL instructions, I have "sign out of your account under Settings > Server > General in Plex Web App" which led to losing the server and thus all configured shared-users  and history! Do NOT do so! The first time I tried the BinHex install I have NOT signed out of the new-server and all users and history was maintained just fine. After a few tries to make the OFFICIAL PMS docker app to work, I did the mistake to remove the server and thus lost users and history.


...really strange how one docker (BinHex) worked fine but the other (Official) didn't. Possibly the one you are proposing (LinuxServer) might work as well. I would prefer to use the official docker-app (I tried quite a lot and even broken the users and history!) but since another release does the job i will stick with this one I guess!

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