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moving files within share duplicates folders (MAC)

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everytime i move files between folders from my mac, i get duplicated folders.

what i mean is -

my 2 HDDs have the following folder structure

disk1 - MEDIA - MOVIES - Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy

disk2 - MEDIA - MOVIES - Action, Animation, Thriller


every time i move file say, from Horror on disk1 to Action on disk2, what i get is folder called Action created on disk1.

is there a way to move files so they will go to the right disk and will not duplicate folders instead?

(i know i can go to Tower -> disk1, and move a file to disk2, but i would like to know if there is a way to do it when I'm browsing the share, and not every disk individually (I'm planning to stop importing disks - only shares...))


just in case - my settings are: Split level - 0 , Allocation method - Fill Up.




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