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Removing drive from middle of the array?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Ok, one last question in the long list of issues I've had migrating my array from one enclosure to another, having a drive fail along the way, and accidentally overwriting some of my data...


I finally have my array running now with my replacement drive. I didn't want to explicitly choose to replace a drive with the new one because I was too nervous during setup to pick the wrong one after previous failures, so I've now got a full array including a semi-failed drive that just won't accept writes at anything besides a snail's pace. So my question is: that drive's in slot 3 of the array and I have 6 drives in total. To remove the drive fully from the array I just need to create a new config. If I choose to keep all drives in the same positions, though, can I just deselect the drive in slot 3 and have it empty and the array will start fine? Just don't want to create more issues by having a middle slot empty... 


Sorry if I'm overthinking this, just want to make sure I don't create more issues again...


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