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Paperless-ngx: how to run backup command weekly (automated)?

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I use Paperless's document_exporter command to manually backup everything to a specified folder no problem. How can I automate this command to occur weekly?

My end goal is automated backup starting with Paperless -> Duplicacy -> Cloudstorage

OS: Unraid 6.12.10, Paperless-ngx within a docker container.
Exporter command https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utilities.html#utilities-exporter

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9 hours ago, unthinking-pretender1681 said:

Thanks for the suggestion, posted it there too.

All support questions for specific containers should be posted in their thread, not spread out across the forum. That way people can easily see what others have asked, and the answers they received. Many problems have already been asked and answered.

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