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Unraid VM intel N100 cpu base clock speed stuck at 0.81ghz

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I created a Virtual machine on my unraid with a windows 11 ISO. But it seems that my CPU clock speed is stuck at 0.81 GHz, because of that, the overall VM is running incredibally slow, and has 100% utilization Is there any way to fix this?

Unraid Dashboard -

Intel® N100 @ 2871 MHz


VM Settings -

Logical CPUs All ticked CPU 0 - CPU 3

CPU Mode - Host Passthrough

Initial Memory & Max Memory - 8192 MB

Machine - i440fx-7.1



Graphics Card - Virtual, VNC



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7 hours ago, luisp23 said:

VM Settings -

Logical CPUs All ticked CPU 0 - CPU 3

Don't do that. You need to leave resources available for the host (Unraid) to emulate the motherboard and other I/O. At the very least leave CPU 0 available for Unraid. Since you only have 4 threads, I'd only use CPU2 and CPU3 for the VM, maybe try with only the last thread for the VM and leave the other three for the host.

7 hours ago, luisp23 said:

Initial Memory & Max Memory - 8192 MB

That may also be too much, depending on how much RAM the system has. If the physical box has 32GB, 8 for the VM should be fine. If it has 16 or less, reduce the VM to 4096.


The more resources you tie to the VM, the slower the host is going to run, which in turn slows the VM way down. Give the VM the absolute minimum and add a little at a time until performance doesn't increase.

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