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Parity check incomplete due to uncorrectable sector on data disk. What Next?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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One of the data drive started raising warnings about offline uncorrectable sectors while Parity check was running. The estimated completion time for parity check , which is usually around ~18 hrs, was too longs (in days). So I stopped the party check. The defective drive is not emulated yet, nor it is disabled. I am able to browse the content of the drive but not able to stream the videos that are on this drive. I tried connecting USB drive and tried to copy the data from this drive but it is extremely slow and would take forever. I already ordered the replacement drive which will be delivered tomorrow. The main page still shows parity is valid even though the parity check was stopped while in process. So,I am not sure if the new drive would be rebuild successfully since the parity check is not complete. Can you experts please take a look at the diagnostics and see what my options are here? 






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The drive3 eventually failed and emulated before I swap it with replacement disk. Stopped the array and replace the drive3 with new one. Assigned it disk3 and started array which initiated rebuild process. 50% done. I hope it gets completed without any issue and data intact. 

Once again, thank you for your help. 

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