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Mineccraft moded fabric server help

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hi all. I'm new to unraid and pretty much all server os. and i am confused about all the configuration and starting up the moded Minecraft server if there is any one that could help me that would be much appreciated.  act like Im a clueless guy. *like what apps to get for the port-forwarding and file editing and plugins and such.

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Posted (edited)

all comes down to how you want to interact and mess with it.

Using unraid as the server to run your games we have a few options.

step 1 which system:

Docker / VM / LXC

Each has pros and cons

To mod minecraft, usually java code/lua code have to be added to a mods folder to a minecraft server jar file
To run the minecraft server, we usually implement a java environment. see

or tekkit modpack servers: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tekkitmain.552547

Due to how mojang and Microsoft auction of minecraft, many mods and variant version of minecraft exist.
Java edition / bedrock / story mode. Your client and server file will need to match up.

Do you have a version in mind?

I would recommend docker to run:
Unraid has 69 results to chose from depending on the minecraft server you are trying to create:

Otherwise, I would highly recommend a ich777 minecraft server:





Edited by bmartino1
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Posted (edited)

So now that we have a system and service in mind, let setup and install a docker.




lets enable bond, disable bridging. and set a static IP. This will be important latter for internet access to your minecraft server access with freinds.
Next lets setup and configure some docker settings:



lets enable docker, set disk size to be atleast 20 GB, use XFS, enable log rotation, use custom networks to macvlan
and host access custom network. (this will be important later to have at home devices talk to and connect to your server when at home!)

With docker running, let's find our minecraft server. go to apps: and find ICH777 minecraft server:
click install and be taken to the minecraft server template for docker.


lets review his template:


This is a Basic Minecraft Server, with the basic configuration it will download and install a Vanilla Minecraft.

You can also install a FTB (FeedTheBeast), Bukkit, Spigot,... server.

Start the container for the first time let it do it's work and shut it down.
After that copy over your favorite server executable (don't forget to set the Serverfile name to the same as you copied over) and start the container again.

JAVA RUNTIME: Enter your prefered Runtime 'basicjre'=jre8, 'jre11'=jre11, 'jre15'=jre15 Don't change unless you are knowing what you are doing! Please keep in mind if you change the runtime you have to delete the old runtime before

UPDATE: If you set the variable GAME_V to 'latest' the container will check on every restart if there is a newer version available (if set to 'latest' the variable JAR_NAME has to be 'server').

ATTENTION: Don't forget to accept the EULA down below and don't forget to edit the 'server.properties' file the server is by default configured to be a LAN server and to be not snooped.

WEB CONSOLE: You can connect to the Minecraft console by opening your browser and go to HOSTIP:9011 (eg: or click on WebUI on the Docker page within Unraid.

first things first, lets set a custom ip to the server. (this will be needed later for router port forwards:


and change:

our server files and mods folder will be at this location:

here we can add mods to our mod folder!

click apply at bottom:

then click docker then log:

with for minecraft files to finish installing:

This will be a vanila 
---Downloading Minecraft Server 1.20.6---
---Successfully downloaded Minecraft 1.20.6 Server!---

Not that all files are done the server is up and ready to conect at the sustom ip on the netwrok.

now lets add some mods
so stop the server

Edited by bmartino1
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with the server stoped we will now use unraid termainl to veiw the files:




we chose the defualt folder path of "/mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft"


Here are the minecraft server files and configs.

Unraid > shares > appdata > export



we can enable the appdata share and browser to them by goin to our uniraid static ip



now we can download mods and place them in the correct folder and mod our server. You can move your world folder and replace this for a minecraft world you have created.


the share path: \\\appdata\minecraft\versions\1.20.6
replace 1.20.6.jar with your fabric server jar file


Download and rename it to server-1.20.6.jar and replace the file here:


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I chose ich777 due to knwon experience with his works and can trust there software and codes.

now that you know how to use docker version... You may want to use a premade fabric docker:


otherwise since you want fabric you could install a ubuntu vm/LXC install java and run the jar file and have it folder access else where.

All on how you want to interact with it

with the server running, you just need to port forward the minecraft custom ip in the router to be open to the world

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On 5/13/2024 at 5:49 PM, bmartino1 said:

with the server stoped we will now use unraid termainl to veiw the files:




we chose the defualt folder path of "/mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft"


Here are the minecraft server files and configs.

Unraid > shares > appdata > export



we can enable the appdata share and browser to them by goin to our uniraid static ip



now we can download mods and place them in the correct folder and mod our server. You can move your world folder and replace this for a minecraft world you have created.


the share path: \\\appdata\minecraft\versions\1.20.6
replace 1.20.6.jar with your fabric server jar file


Download and rename it to server-1.20.6.jar and replace the file here:


the server started up but it wasnt a fabric server

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Sorry if that wasn't clear:

ICH777 was documentiatoin on how to do xyz not the actual docker image you should use... Minecraft changes to much for a simple install docker to exists... which is why i recommend the vm/lxc options...

I gave you info on how to get a working docker and template to follow....

I recommend docker for fabric due to updates...
use fithwum and change the numbers in the template for the current. :/

You need to change the docker template info. To reflect the current server and data...

Using the website 



fill in the template of docker:



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