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UPS Recommendations for a 4220 20-drive build system


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Hi Guys,

Almost done with my Norco 4220 20-drive build - on paper that is. Just wanted to find out if anyone had any thoughts on how big the UPS should be. All the drive, now and in future, should be 5900-5400 rpm. I am going to start with 5+1 drives. unRAID server will be the only machine that will be on that UPS - at least, the battery backup ports. Since I have 650 PSU, should I assume that I would need 600+ VA UPS? Something like CyberPower CP850PFCLCD UPS 850VA / 510W PFC (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16842102131)?


Thanks and Merry Christmas


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