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Problems upgrading to 3TB parity drive


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I've got a wd30ezrx that I would like to use as an upgrade to my WD20EARS parity drive.


I've tried following the procedure posted by ProStuff1:


1. Run preclear on the drive a could of times (not necessary but will stress test the drive to find early failure)

2. Take out the old parity by disconnecting it

3. Hook up new parity drive and assign it as parity once the computer is started back up

4. Let parity rebuild and then run a check on it to make sure nothing is going funky.

5. Shut down the server and hook the old parity drive back up

6. Run preclear on the old parity drive and let it complete

7. Assign the old parity drive to a slot and your all done.


When I pull the old drive and install the new one, I can see it on the devices screen and I am able to assign it as the parity drive, but when I restart the array I get a message along the lines of "parity drive not installed" and it says that the array is not protected.  There is no indication that it is rebuilding parity.


When I stop the array, reinstall, and assign the old parity drive to the parity slot, it says "new parity drive installed" and it starts rebuilding parity.


I've done this twice with the same result.  Each time it takes 10hrs or so to rebuild parity, so I am hesitant to try again.


My motherboard recognizes the new drive as a 3TB drive and it appears on the devices page appropriately.


I don't know if this info is of any value, but I built the server before advanced format drives were supported, so the old parity drive has a jumper and is running in compatibility mode.  The new drive has no jumper (probably grasping at straws there).


Also, if I were to try again, is there any risk in interrupting the parity rebuild on the old drive?






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