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Unraid on Supermicro x11sca-f (IPMI not working)

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Hi guys, I've lost the last 4 days trying to solve this problem alone reading a lots of posts, articles and webpages but, can't figure out.

I had dismissed my old Qnap server by taking the USB keys and all 4 HDD and transfered to a new setup on a used x11sca-f. All it's working, I'm happy for the increased perfomance of my NAS (only NAS). But I can't control my fans and they are spinning like creazy. This is my problem that brought me to understand that IPMI is non working.


FANs problem

Now all my fans are working at 100% and I don't like it and in the BIOS I don't see any section to control the temperature or the fans. Ok.

"fancontrol" is not working with a "no configuration file detected", "sensors" show only basic CPU temps so I launched "sensor-detect" and loaded nct6775 module and now I can see a lots of datas, but FANs are not detected (i get 0rpm). 


IPMI problem

So I tried to enable IPMI but it seems to don't work. I had enabled BMC, connected a VGA cable to my monitor and entered the BIOS. IPMI status is "not working". I had setted a static IP (tried same of mi unraid and also different) but nothing work. I had disabled BMC grapfic and tried to see if I see IPMI via IPMIView but nothing.


IPMI plugin

I've installed IPMI plugin inside Unraid, but can't see any sensor or can't do nothing with it. 


So now I'm lost, I don't know what to try. I-ve started from a fan problem to a IPMI not working.

Edited by DoroDuncan
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