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[NEED HELP] Enabling either IOMMU or VT-d will have USB boot disabled -> Unraid unbootable

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Hello all,

I have moved from my old hardware (Z420) to a Lenovo P510.

However I have found out that my plan to use a Windows VM as my machine has failed!

After checking System devices I found that there's "No IOMMU Groups Available"


In my P510 's Bios, there's an option to Enable Device Guard, but it will sacrifice the ability to boot from USB, which will reject the whole Unraid system to boot, as my photo below:




Is there any workaround for this? 

The case has 4 SATA bays, and I did a small mod to turn its DVD bay into another 2 3.5 bays, while having my SSD hanging over, total of 7 drives and it consumes all SATA ports, so far I have only 10% of total storage space free so reducing a drive is not a choice for now.


Even I have thought of a choice to buy a PCI to M2 card to add a M2 to boot, I don't know if Unraid support this booting device? If yes then how?


(and so far I have just replaced my USB this year, dann!)


Thank you and have a good day friends

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