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VM disappearing when adding pool device

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I am trying to add an unassigned device as a pool device (to function as cache for my existing array).

I shut down my Windows VM, stop the array, and add the device as a pool device, then start the array, my Windows VM is no longer listed (and an old Linux VM appears).

When I was initially trying to setup my VM I had issues with it crashing etc. so I made multiple attempts (potentially some past VMs used the same name)...

I need the Windows VM running, so I shut the array down, unassigned the cache device, started the array back up and the old VM is no longer listed, and my Windows one shows up.

I have tried searching for similar issues in past forums, but I still don't understand the issue (or the solution). Past threads talk about /mnt/disk1/system/libvirt/libvirt.img.

Help will be appreciated!

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The one on the cache drive is wrong - would it be best to format the cache disk or delete the file? (I don't even know how to go about deleting that image).

I have an m.2 pool device that I had intended to be used for VMs - out of curiosity, in terms of performance, would this be a better place to store the image then the HDD array - or does it not matter too much? I don't really know what function that image serves.image.png.c4120a6ea93810fc1ab8f9a0f2bdd403.png

Edited by Techizare
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