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Overview: Support for Docker image Docmost

Application Name: Docmost

Application Site : https://docmost.com/
Application repository:  https://github.com/docmost/docmost

Documentation: https://docmost.com/docs/

Overview : Open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software

Create, collaborate, and share knowledge seamlessly with Docmost.
Ideal for managing your wiki, knowledge-base, documentation and a lot more.


Make sure to look at the complete documentation


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker template you have in this thread.

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Hi, i tried your teamplate but it seems like i can't upload any images/ files in general to the docmost instance.
Seems like a permission error for the data directory

[Nest] 41  - 07/22/2024, 5:32:47 PM   ERROR [AttachmentService] Error uploading file to drive:
[Nest] 41  - 07/22/2024, 5:32:47 PM   ERROR [AttachmentService] Error: Failed to upload file: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/app/data/storage/0190d976-fa88-799a-b7af-20c9e833a99d'
[Nest] 41  - 07/22/2024, 5:32:47 PM   ERROR [AttachmentController] BadRequestException: Error uploading file to drive


the data directory is assigned to nobody:users as it should be, so i think its a problem with the container?


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  • 1 month later...

I've had a similar issue to Random.Name:



[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:24 PM     LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:25 PM     LOG [DatabaseModule] Establishing database connection
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:25 PM     LOG [DatabaseModule] Database connection successful
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:25 PM     LOG [DatabaseMigrationService] No pending database migrations
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:25 PM     LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:35 PM   ERROR [AttachmentService] Error uploading file to drive:
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:35 PM   ERROR [AttachmentService] Error: Failed to upload file: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/app/data/storage/01918ae0-5027-79a2-ac0b-9f44b9970f7b'
[Nest] 42  - 08/25/2024, 4:04:35 PM   ERROR [AttachmentController] BadRequestException: Error uploading file to drive



Permissions of that folder from the host machine (unraid):

/mnt/user/appdata/docmost/data# ls -al
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 0 Aug 25 16:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 8 Aug 25 14:23 ..


Permissions of that folder when connected to the Docmost container:


docker exec -it Docmost bash

c591c6413f6e:/app$ cd data
c591c6413f6e:/app/data$ ls -al

total 0
drwxr-xr-x    1 node     node            14 Aug  7 21:06 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 node     node           146 Aug  7 21:06 ..
drwxr-xr-x    1 99       users            0 Aug 25 20:08 storage


Update #1:

I see that the source Dockerfile sets the user this way:


RUN chown -R node:node /app

USER node


Not sure the disconnect between that user (node:node), and this weird "99:users" being used to create the "storage" directory. I don't see any configuration details on Docmost's side that allows you to pass PUID/PGID, etc, like linuxservers docker images. 


Update #2:

It seems that docmost's "node:node" expects to be PUID:PGID "1000:1000". I found this out by getting into the running Docmost container and running the "id" command:


docker exec -it Docmost bash

uid=1000(node) gid=1000(node) groups=1000(node)


Also, it sets up the `/app/data/storage` as a volume when the container starts (from further in the Dockerfile):


VOLUME ["/app/data/storage"]


I don't recall if it's possible to adjust the running Docker container user without modifying the Dockerfile itself.

Edited by Elinor3
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I ended up solving it, but don't recommend it for others as it will have unknown consequences.


Since my host machine (unraid) already had user id 1000 and group id 1000 taken, I thought I'd just modify that user and group to new user id (2000) and group (2000). 


groupmod -g 2000 old-group-name-here
usermod -u 2000 some-user-name-here

groupmod -g 1000 node
usermod -u 1000 node

cd /mnt/user/appdata/docmost
chown -R node:node .

docker restart Docmost


Now I can upload files to a local storage.


What we'll probably want to do is request changes to the source Dockerfile to set it up to allow different user:group that is customizable. Or, perhaps there's even an alternative to that that I'm just not familiar with. UID and GID stuff is not my strong suit (clearly).

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2 minutes ago, Elinor3 said:

What we'll probably want to do is request changes to the source Dockerfile to set it up to allow different user:group that is customizable. Or, perhaps there's even an alternative to that that I'm just not familiar with. UID and GID stuff is not my strong suit (clearly).

I am not the one who build the image , it coming from the official project itself.
I will check if there is a possibility, as i think it would be the best way...

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I am not the one who build the image , it coming from the official project itself.

I am aware, and I was suggesting we'd need to talk with the Docmost authors. Probably via a new github issue: https://github.com/docmost/docmost/issues


On that note, I did see a previous issue of someone else having this local storage issue with unraid: https://github.com/docmost/docmost/issues/111


I don't quite understand their solution, as it seems like someone suggested running this:


sudo chown -R user:user ./path-to-docmost-data


But I don't know how that would fix it unless the UID of user was 1000 and the GID of user was also 1000. But I could be missing some detail. On my machine I had different users assigned to 1000:1000, as I'd mentioned above.

Edited by Elinor3
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