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Rebuild gone wrong

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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I had what I thought was a disk fail, it was showing as unmountable.  I had an already cleared backup and so I swapped it out.  The original disk is 8tb, the new one is 12tb.  


After assigning the new disk to slot 1, it showed still as unmountable.  I thought this was odd since it was precleared.  There was a button to format so I clicked it.  I thought this was formatting my new drive which was already empty, instead this formats the emulated drive and I lost all the data on that drive.  So I realized this now and stopped the rebuild (its about 3/4 done).


So ... I pulled my old drive I thought was bad and I can see it in windows (I can't access the files because its xfs but I can see that it runs and is recognized) so I think the drive wasn't actually bad now.  So I tried putting the old drive back into the array and replacing the new drive with the old one again.  My plan was to try to build the array again how it was then clear the parity.  Well, as you may have guessed due to the size difference of the drives, I cannot go back to the 8tb drive that has my data on it.  


My drives on the array are all 8tb except for my parity which is 12tb and this one I was trying to use to replace the "dead" drive is a 12tb.  


Any help would be appreciated.  I am good with either finding a way to use that 8tb drive on the array where the 12tb backup was, or continuing with the 12tb backup and accessing that data on the 8tb drive some other way (I dont know how).  If I could access it I can pick through the important stuff and move it back to the array.  


EDIT:  I tried mounting the old drive as an unassigned device and it will not mount.  It gives an error "can't read superblock on /dev/sdd1". 

EDIT 2:  I got it to mount in unassigned devices using this old thread Bad superblock when trying to re-mount external drive [help] - General Support - Unraid


Edited by Bakerking31
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13 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Set a new config in tools and put all the drives back the way they were.

Thank you so much for your response.  This appears to be working.  I had a superblock error as well that is what caused the drive to go offline to begin with.  I found a solution for that and used the new config section to reset the array, parity is resetting now.  I can see my lost data in the file system so we should be good to go once the parity runs.  


I really appreciate your help.  I think the superblock error came from a hard shutdown due to power outage and my UPS didn't have enough juice to keep it running.  It makes a lot of sense now.  

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Disk write failure (red X and says emulated) and file system corruption (unmountable) are two different issues, each handled differently. Not to say they can't happen at the same time, but rebuilding an unmountable disk will always result in the same unmountable file system. Parity doesn't know about files, it just emulates and rebuilds whatever is on the disk, regardless of whether it's a valid filesystem or not.

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5 minutes ago, Bakerking31 said:

hard shutdown due to power outage and my UPS didn't have enough juice to keep it running

Many people make the mistake of trying to keep running as long as possible on UPS. Don't.


Set the system to shut down after a minute or two of power out, typically if the power is out a solid couple minutes it's going to be a while before it comes back.

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