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Upgrade 6.12.11 to 6.12.13 stuck "Performing actions"

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have two unraid servers, both running 6.12.11. My primary unraid server upgraded fine but the second one is having issues.


The first time I attempted upgrade, the first pop up window where you need to view release notes to proceed had some sort of coding issue where the expected words at the top didn't appear properly, but I proceeded with viewing release notes to continue the upgrade process. However, it just gets stuck with a popup:

Performing actions

Please keep this window open while we perform some actions


Except it doesn't finish. I rebooted it from SSH and tried the upgrade again. This time the pop up printed words correctly and I again attempted to upgrade, but still stuck on "Performing actions".



Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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