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Unraid Server No Longer Connecting to Internet getting Critical Medium Error

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hey folks. I've had an unraid server installed on a QNAP t646 NAS for about 8 months. Recently, it's been dropping connection or saying connection failed to my mac. The web guis and all dockers become unresponsive. Previously, a hard reset fixed the issue and I was able to log back in to the webgui. Yesterday, it disconnected again, so I went through my normal process of doing a hard reset. Unfortunately this yields no results, and as I mentioned, I rebooted, so there are no logs to speak of. 


After hours of wading through forums, I reset my modem ( bell home hub 3000) and did a factory reset, still the ethernet connection is showing nothing for the Unraid server (static ip). I deleted network.cfg files on the unraid boot usb, still not showing. I have swapped for cables that I know are working to no avail. 


How do I go about troubleshooting next? I'm worried it has to do with the NIC card on QNAP machine, but the box stays in a ventilated closet untouched, so I don't know what could be damaged or what might have happened. The disks are all running, I'm very confused! Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give!



EDIT: so I tried booting in GUI and Safe Mode GUI to receive the following ( took pictures). 




It won't allow me to boot in safe mode, I tried moving the usb to another usb port, same error. I tried to remove some drives and play around with it but I am really at a loss for what I am doing, as I can't remember which drive this belongs to. Could this be why it isn't connecting to the internet? I presume because it wont boot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe the usb bit the dust? I can go grab another, all the data is visible and accesible when plugged into my iMac. 



Edited by adamohefferman
saw something new in logs
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  • adamohefferman changed the title to Unraid Server No Longer Connecting to Internet getting Critical Medium Error

this absolutely worked, I can see the unraid system on the router now, and some of my dockers work, but as soon as I started the array, and things came back to life, I could no longer access webgui. I'm thinking that maybe a docker container is set to port 80 but I am unsure. The array is running and building parity, so I don't want to shut down or reboot. Another issue is that I forgot to give it a static ip when I started the array, trying all addresses associated with the unraid server (found through ifconfig | grep broadcast | arp -a in my imacs terminal) yield nothing. While the disks are spinning I'm afraid to proceed. Does this seem like a dynamic ip issue or has one of the docker containers on array start up messed up my webgui on port 80? Is there danger in shutting down and restarting to find the servers ip? or does the issue with not being able to connect to the webgui from any of the active ip addresses from the machine lean more towards needing to disable docker on start up? I have a couple of how tos on that from previous forums, just don't want to risk the data!

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how can I go about that? There is no SSH set up via unraid yet, I am not all that familiar with telnet from my mac. Considering that I don't know the ip for sure is that possible? I don't have a monitor / keyboard attached and would need to shut down to do so, leading back to the previous issue. Is it possible to telnet in without knowing ip?

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